Weekly Update – 2/24/2019 Feb 24 - GameSyns
We got a special update for you this week that covers everything you need covering… literally. Some of you guys even created artwork that I felt needed to be shared with our fan base! Grab your kids and gather around the fire, we got some sweet camping gear to check out!
Tip Top Tarp
Alright, so I know you have all waited with bated breathe over the announcement of this. So with that said, it is my absolute pleasure to show you the tarps that are a work-in-progress for i01! These are some tarps put together by our team, and I am in love with them! Now to get to some proper tarp coverage (sorry for the bad puns).

Look at the way the tarp just flows, elegant and natural. You’d think this tarp was real life if this wasn’t an i01 weekly update! You are probably asking yourself where we’ll see stuff like this in game.

These will mostly be used in assets around the map, breathing new life into the environment. Nothing says military like a good old tarp, am-I-right? Let’s take a closer look at the surface and see each of the different details this thing has on it.

I can 100% certify that is, in fact, a tarp. Take special note of the reflections of the light, showing some of the shininess of the tarp, mixed with the wrinkles of repeated use by the UNSC. Think about all of the things you can cover on the battlefield with this thing!
I only got one thing to add to it:

Community Spotlight
We have a lot of artwork to catch up on here! I went through and sifted through weeks of awesome art and pulled a few out that caught my attention for one reason or another. There was a lot of fantastic work that you guys have made that isn’t in here, so be sure to check out the #art channel on the Official i01 Discord for more!

Art by TheUncleShen#3603

Art by Zilla2K#7233

Art by ZetaDemon#0001

Art by Whalz#3991

Art by Nicht Mehr#6328

Costume by Phauxelate#9017
There is no I in Team
I cannot stress how much fun it is to be a part of the i01 team! Like, I know for a fact we’re having at least twice if not three times as much fun as you are at any given time. Why don’t you join us? We are looking for QA Testers, Networking Programmers, VFX Artists, Lighting Artists, Sound Designers, Animators, Concept Artists, and 3D Artists.
Blame Bean

Recently I caught wind that Bean was busy in his parent’s basement working on something exciting to share with the community. Apparently, he thought this was the best use of Ray Tracing technology for i01. I don’t know if this has been vetoed yet by the rest of the team, but if this is what appears when you boot i01 for the first time on your RTX card, you know who to blame.
I hope you enjoyed our meme filled update. Tune in next week for some additional i01 news brought to you by yours truly. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; Please leave them in our subreddit comment area! Someone on the team will get back to you as soon as they see it!
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